Our Client Results / EHR Consulting

Medical Advantage Helps a Primary Care Practice Optimize its EHR 


 After working with Medical ​Advantage, the primary care practice experienced:


Overall satisfaction with streamlined templates and a more effective EHR 


Patient satisfaction with faster visits, less wait time, and improved quality of care 


Quality scores and program performance



Payer reimbursements


With the continuing reliance on technology at the point of care, this single location 11-provider primary care practice lacked the resources required to fully optimize their electronic health record and practice management systems. 


Having overly complicated EHR interfaces contributed to inefficiencies and a plethora of other issues for staff and patients. Common pain points included:  

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Staff frustration due to frustrating workflows

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Inaccurate reporting and low reimbursement

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Counterintuitive patient portals that discourage patient engagement

Our Solutions

The single location 11-provider primary care practice struggled with high staff turnover, a dwindling clientele and low reimbursement rates. Working with the practice to determine their issues and key goals, Medical Advantage developed a plan to turn things around. 

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EHR optimization, including improved templates and modified alerts

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Updated EHR staff training to ensure best practices and appropriate workflows

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Automated billing and reporting and improved workflow to increase collection rates

“Ever since Medical Advantage helped tailor our EHR interface to be less confusing and more intuitive, our practice is running much more efficiently. Our physicians are happier and more productive now that they’re spending less time on documentation, and more time with patients.”



Medical Advantage Can Help

Medical Advantage is an innovator in healthcare. Our years of experience, data driven strategies and in person approach drive change, improve outcomes, and maximize ROI. Our team has the expertise to provide customized, actionable solutions to decrease the cost of care and improve quality for your practice.

Talk to one of our experts today

Medical Advantage - TDC Group