Healthcare Dashboards Examples: 4 Actionable Examples

by | Jul 8, 2021


Key Takeaways from our Healthcare Dashboards Examples

Example 1 – Financial Dashboard

Example 2 – Patient Dashboard

Example 3 – Patient Visits Dashboard

Example 4 – Services Dashboard

Healthcare Dashboards: A Powerful Tool for Your Organization

Healthcare dashboards are analytics software tools which empower healthcare professionals to make real-time, data-driven decisions, by compiling information from multiple sources into one view. Healthcare dashboards examples of all kinds offer organizations insights into their performance as compared to benchmarks – and automatically display those metrics in real-time, in an intuitive and interactive central location. 

Whereas before, measuring performance in certain fiscal and clinical measures required laborious aggregation of data from scattered places like EHRs, financial reports, patient databases, schedules and the like – healthcare dashboard examples automatically and continually pull that information to display it in one overview. Armed with up-to-date, easy-to-understand readouts on their organization’s performance, stakeholders at all levels are able to identify aspects of operations which are underperforming, and use that information to redirect resources and strategy as needed – resulting in better care and increased profitability

In this way, modern healthcare dashboards examples – like the ones offered by Medical Advantage – enable private equity groups, health plans, hospitals and more to enhance operations, care quality and revenue. Read on to see which of our healthcare dashboard solutions is right for you. 

Key Takeaways from our Healthcare Dashboards Examples 

Healthcare dashboards are software analytics tools your organization can use to track, identify, and ultimately improve your organization’s performance in operational, clinical, and financial areas. Healthcare dashboards examples vary widely, but some of the most popular variations on the market today include healthcare financial dashboards, healthcare patient dashboards, healthcare patient visits dashboards, and healthcare services dashboards.  

Financial Dashboards Save time, benchmark KPI's, and improve performance CTA

Example 1 – Financial Dashboard

In order to effectively serve patients and provide quality care, healthcare organizations must ensure that their operations are profitable and revenue streams are being properly managed. Healthcare financial dashboards are a powerful tool to manage all the fiscal aspects of your practice, hospital, health plan and more. 

With the right healthcare financial dashboard, your organization can track how charges and payments are trending, and filter charges and payments by insurer. Dashboards allow you to track claims by location, physician, insurer, and more to see which claims are being approved or denied. In addition, healthcare financial dashboards allow you to manage large, complex amounts of data from multiple sources and across multiple practices to ensure optimal financial performance throughout your group. 

Think of healthcare financial dashboards as a transparent window into your healthcare organization’s finances. With the insights gained, business strategy and resources can be more effectively calibrated to areas in need of assistance, resulting in increased revenue and ROI. 

Financial Dashboard KPIs 

  • Charges and payments over time 
  • Charges and payments by insurer 
  • Claim denials over time 
  • Average days in A/R 
  • Average days to bill 
  • Collectability % 
  • Total charges and payments 
Financial dashboard examples

Example 2 – Patient Dashboard

Delivering quality care to the communities they serve is at the core of every healthcare organization’s mission. Take that service to the next level with healthcare patient dashboards, a healthcare dashboard example which equips stakeholders at all levels of the organization with insights and data about their patient population – all at the touch of a button. 

With the right healthcare patient dashboard solution, care providers can better understand who their patients are. Demographics like age, insurer, gender, home address, daily patient volume and more are all presented in real time. Armed with these insights, your practice can better posture itself to serve and engage with these patients – and to attract more patients who share a similar profile. 

Patient Dashboard KPIs

  • Patients per day 
  • Patients by age group 
  • Patients by gender 
  • Patients by specialty 
  • Patients by home address 
  • Total patients 
Patients dashboard examples

Example 3 – Patient Visits Dashboard

A robust, reliable, and growing number of patient visits to your practice are the backbone of any medical organization’s revenue stream, and healthcare patient visits dashboards can help. By more effectively understanding who visits your practice, when, for how long, and for what services, your organization can effectively begin formulating a strategy to increase the number of patient visits – and optimize your workflows and staffing accordingly. This makes patient visits dashboards one of the strongest healthcare dashboard examples available to medical organizations today. 

Healthcare patient visits dashboards offer a window into how patients are utilizing your practice during in-person visits. At the touch of a button, you can view how long patients are waiting, the duration of visits, which providers are seeing the most patients, the number of no-shows and cancellations – and much more.   

Patient Visits Dashboard KPIs 

  • Visit duration 
  • Wait time 
  • Schedule utilization percentage 
  • No show percentage 
  • Cancellation percentage 
  • Bump percentage 
  • Average visits by practitioner 
  • Average visits by day and month 
Visits Dashboard Example

Example 4 – Services Dashboard

Having oversight over what services your organization is providing is crucial to developing an effective revenue growth strategy. Are patients coming in for a certain service more than others? Perhaps it may be prudent to shift more resources toward that area. Conversely, if the number of services performed of a certain type are down – particularly services that bring in higher revenue – it could be a sign to increase efforts through patient outreach to market to patients seeking to have those procedures done. As a fourth healthcare dashboard example, healthcare services dashboards can help. 

With an enhanced understanding of the types, amounts, trends and categories of services your organization is providing, you will be one step closer to meeting and exceeding your revenue goals. Healthcare services dashboards are powerful tools for automatically and intuitively taking oversight of what procedures your organization are rendering to your patients, and lay the groundwork for effective strategy to correct and improve trends in services provided

Services Dashboard KPIs 

  • Services per day 
  • Services by year and quarter 
  • Services and charges by procedure category 
  • Top services categories by revenue 
  • Top services categories by number 
Services Dashboard Example

Healthcare Dashboards: A Powerful Tool for Your Organization

Healthcare organizations of all types stand to benefit from the power of healthcare dashboards. At the click of a button, stakeholders at all levels of your organization can view consolidated and timely data. Our healthcare dashboard examples are easy-to-use and provide interactive reporting – all without the burden of manual report assembly. With this oversight, you’ll soon be on your way to eliminating inefficiencies, benchmarking your performance, and capitalizing on best practices. 

4 Excellent Examples of Dashboards in Healthcare

Medical Advantage Can Help

Looking for a powerful, reasonably priced, automated healthcare reporting dashboard for your organization’s needs? Medical Advantage can help. Our financial, patient, patient visits, and services healthcare dashboards are designed to give your organization the insight necessary to make sound strategic decisions, improve care quality, and boost revenue. In addition, our dashboards provide not only insights into your data, but a bridge to our expert consultants – who can advise on and implement changes based on findings in your data. Our healthcare consultants work as an extension of your staff to help close gaps and improve clinical and financial outcomes. 

Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below to get in touch with one of our consultants today. 

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Download Our Healthcare Dashboards eBook Today

Learn to visualize performance, identify KPIs, improve practice ROI, and much more.

Revolutionize Your Practice AnalyticsDownload Our Healthcare Reporting Dashboards eBook Now

Download our healthcare dashboards eBook to learn how to automate reporting and visualize your practice's KPIs. 

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